Brand's Magnificent Peony
Heirloom. A double red flowering late midseason. Large crimson with a decidedly purple cast. Very prolific with strong stems and good foliage. An unusually symmetrical flower. It is several shades darker than Karl Rosenfield or Mary Brand. (Brand, 1918) Lactiflora
Festiva Maxima Peony
Heirloom. White, double, fragrant, early, 36" tall. A massive, loose rose-form flower of pure white lightly flecked with crimson. This is an old variety from 1851 and still is popular and striking in the garden! (Miellez, 1851) Lactiflora
Sarah Bernhardt Peony
Heirloom. Full double, soft pink flowers with edging a little lighter that the inside. This double pink has stood the test of time and continues to perform as gorgeously scented pink and has always been a favorite in the cut-flower industry. A few petals show crimson edges; may need some support in the garden landscape, but these gorgeous flowers are well worth it. Late bloomer. (Lemoine, 1906) Lactiflora
Tourangelle Peony
NEW FOR 2025
Heirloom. Double, late bloomer with a pleasant fragrance. Pale apple-blossom pink to flesh-pink in the center. Medium height; floriferous. A handsome, very richly colored flower which requires time to develop to its best form. May need support. At its best, it is one of the most beautiful of all peonies. (Dessert, 1910) Lactiflora
Myrtle Gentry Peony
An heirloom peony … blooms late midseason. A beautiful light pink that gradually fades to pure white. Hints of flesh and salmon show throughout the petals; one of the most fragrant and like a tea rose. The stems are strong and hold the flowers well above the foliage. (Brand, 1925) Lactiflora
Martha Bulloch Peony
Heirloom. One of the greatest double pink peonies, fragrant and floriferous, blooming late midseason. The flower is a cupped rose type, often measuring 9-12 inches in diameter. This plant has tall, strong stems which hold the heavy flowers well above the foliage, may need staking. A constant prize winner. Best in Show 1945. (Brand, 1907) Lactiflora
Defender Peony
NEW FOR 2025
Heirloom. This is one of the remaining introductions from Saunders Challenger Series. Flowers are dark mahogany crimson, single, cup-shaped, with a large mass of silky stamens. Original plant received from Countryman's Peonies, so we believe this is from the original plant. RARE. (Saunders, 1929)