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What are Itoh or Intersectional Peonies?
Herbaceous peonies die back to the ground in winter. They reappear in spring after the snow melts. Easy-to-grow and deer resistant perennials, herbaceous Peonies (Paeonia) require a cool winter climate to satisfy dormancy requirements. They are best planted in the fall for thorough root system development and nutrient storage Our peonies have grown 3-5 years and each bareroot will have 4-6 eyes for the best possible flower production the first spring.

There are several types of peony blooms: double, bomb, semi-double, Japanese and single peonies.

Prized as cutting flowers, double varieties have an unmatched, addictive fragrance.

There are two types of herbaceous peonies.

Lactifloras typically produce sidebuds.

Herbaceous hybrids are crosses between two or more peony varieties. Most hybrids only produce one bloom per stem with enhanced color!